Railways and trains used to transport freight.
Examples for "freight train"
Examples for "freight train"
1The local freight train came in and the freight crew were fed.
2The conductor and the engineer of the freight train came running up.
3The end of the long freight train rumbled on into the night.
4A freight train offers glittering chances for the disposal of the Unwanted.
5A freight train was puffing into the siding at the Payson station.
1A goods train at another platform indicated the sudden accessibility of Warsaw.
2THE long goods train has been standing for hours in the little station.
3A goods train engine was blown up and another set ablaze in Jharkhand.
4The gates close and a goods train comes chugging along through the trees.
5It then was hit by the goods train, which tore open passenger carriages.
Translations for rail freight transport